Gender Equality – Discover & Explore Locally Lesson Plan 2
Possible Subjects: Geography, English, PSHE
Years: 3-6
Lesson: 2 of 3
Learning Outcome
Learning to independently research and present evidence that shows understanding of significant contributions made by women, transgender and nonbinary people in Australia.
Definitions & Resources
Lesson Overview
In 2021, Australia was only ranking number 50 on the Global Gender Gap index (out of 156 countries). For context, the country was listed number 15 in 2006.
The significant contribution of Australian women, transgender and nonbinary people to society is largely overlooked and underestimated. They are underrepresented in positions of leadership and massive progress is required in all areas from politics and employment to science and agriculture.
This lesson will focus on the current gender gap in Australia and get the students to discover and explore the role of some important women, transgender and nonbinary Australian figures.
Tuning In – ‘What do students know about gender equality?’
WATCH: History of Women in the Workplace
Introduction (5 mins)
- Show the below video to the class and discuss the students’ opinions on the points raised.
Finding out – ‘Students investigate gender equality, research & plan’
DISCUSS: Class Discussion
Teach/Model (5 mins)
- Share infographic
- Ask them to discuss the following questions in pairs/small groups
- What information does this give us?
- Did anything surprise you?
- Did anything not surprise you?
DISCUSS: Class Discussion
Guided Practice (5 mins)
- Ask the class to brainstorm and/or give them names of inspirational Australian women, transgender and nonbinary people.
- Explain the independent task to students.
Independent (25 mins)
- Students can individually research an inspirational Australian woman, transgender or nonbinary person and their contributions to her field/society, and ask them to create a profile.
- Students can either choose the person they want to study, or the teacher can assign the student some specific names:
- Grace Tame
- Aretha Brown
- Liv Hewson
- Cathy Freeman
- Ruby Rose
- Edith Cowan
- Germaine Greer
- Andreja Pejic
- Julia Gillard
- Tash Sultana
- Georgie Stone
- Ash Barty
- Dorethea Mackeller
- Have them answer the following questions in their profile:
- Who are they?
- What are some of their career achievements?
- How are they making a difference?
- How are they helping to overcome gender inequality?
- Other interesting facts.
Plenary: reflection (5 mins)
- Mix the class into small groups, each with a selection of different women, transgender and nonbinary people. Ask them to present their profiles and teach the rest of the group about their chosen role model.
Additional Activities
DISCUSS: Wrap Up Questions
- Ask the students the following questions to discuss as class/in small groups/in pairs:
- What surprised you today, and why?
- What’s the most important thing you learned today?
- What do you want to learn more about, and why?
- When were you the most creative, and why do you think that is?
- What made you curious today?
WATCH: March 4 Peace
(if age appropriate)
- Share the video and ask your class the question, ‘What can we do to change gender equality?’
- Create a brainstorm, this may be used as part of a community project in later lessons.
Additional Homework Activity
- Ask the students to listen to an episode of the below podcast and write a short reflection to share in class.